Trying to make it useful


I’m going to do my best to insert a link or a webpage during each post for this page in an attempt to have information in a one stop format for individuals, parents and anyone else who may be viewing this blog.  Please feel free to suggest topics or comment on the information contained within.  As I have stated before, we are all her to support each other, learn from those who are similar and different from us and treat each other with respect and dignity.  Hope ll is well and if not, I’m sending some positive thoughts out into the universe to find you.

Here we go…

It has been a long, long journey and yet here I am at another beginning in my life.  Well, sort of.  Those of you who know me, know that my life and passion has been focused around Autism and how it affects children, adults and families.  I have my wonderful daughter to thank for she has blessed me with the opportunity to find strength I didn’t know I had and to share it and my knowledge with others in the same or similar boat.

If anything Autism has been a gift more than a trial.  People often shake their heads and pat me on the shoulder, saying something like, “I’m so sorry,” or “How do you do it?”  I feel bad for those people.  I’m not depressed about having a wonderful, sweet, kind, thoughtful, compassionate teenager on the spectrum, quite the opposite!  That is not to say that I didn’t struggle with anger, disappointment and grief but what I have gained from having my daughter in my life far outweighs any loss.

As to how I do it, well, to anyone who has a child, any child, you know we do it because it’s OUR job.  Like it or not we get up each day and do the best we can that day.  Some days my best is great and some days, not so much.  So, again, I get it.  My daughter has to have as much patience with me as I do with her, some days more.  We are in this thing togeher, whether either of us likes it or not.

This is why I went back to college to get my counseling degree, I know the struggle.  I know what a week without more than 2 hours of solid sleep is like.  I know what it’s like to not be able to figure out what the problem is when your child doesn’t have the words to tell you.  I know what it’s like to sit at work and listen to your coworkers talk about all their children.  Even though you are happy for them, your heart breaks a little because your version of “normal” is so far from removed what they are talking about.   I know about celebrating milestones alone because they come a year or two or five too late.

I also know that hope is a scary word that can pull the rug right out from under you and take your breath away…I get it.

Just knowing you are not alone can help…You aren’t alone and I hope you will find some comfort on these pages.  WELCOME!!  🙂