Fill up your cup

Contrary to what you might be thinking as you start this entry, it is not about pouring a glass of wine at the end of a hectic day…There is a lot of research out there about taking care of ourselves.  The first thought most people have is I don’t have time for the things I HAVE to do as it is, am I right?   Yeah, I live that life, too.  But I also know from personal experience as well as from working with parents of children with disabilities that it is as important for us if not more so than anything else we have to do in our day to day lives.

I have seen great parents crash and burn and I have also witnessed marriages and families crumble all because an adult didn’t put their own wellness first.  It is not selfish, it is smart and actually making you better, stronger and more effective.  Additionally, putting off taking care of yourself only makes getting back on sure footing more difficult.  Procrastination of self care is the worst form of procrastination…it affects not only you but everyone you love and everyone you come in contact with day to day.

The second reason you need to make yourself a priority is that it not only makes you physically tired to always be stressed but it is also mentally draining.  The type of tired that days and days of sleep doesn’t cure.  Who am I kidding??  I actually have never had days and days of sleep but I doubt that would cure it, but if that experiment ever comes along I’m volunteering to do the sleep study:)  Anyway, mental fatigue affects judgment. mood, and most of all relationships.

Good self care also provides our children with a good role model of why it is important to make yourself a priority, regardless of what others might think.  And self care will make it easier for you to identify what you need, when you need it and how to get it.  If you are in a good place, others will see it and want to know what your “secret” is and it really is kind of simple.  And well worth the effort for everyone!

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