Words have meaning, except when they don’t

People are ignorant.  This used to make me angry.  Now it just frustrates me, most days.  People can also be mean, that makes me angry ALWAYS.  People who don’t know what they don’t know, can be educated.  People who choose to be mean, and by definition, stupid; they don’t deserve to even be acknowledged, in my opinion.  More on this rant another time…
It kills me that people who have the capacity to know better choose to not to.  Especially when I see my daughter struggle with what I see as simple concepts simply because she cannot grasp the distinction in some things. Case in point, this week we have discussed (again) the difference between boys that are friends and boyfriends. 
First, ugh.  Adolescence is tough enough for them and us as it is, add ASD and it becomes a nail biting, roller coaster for parents and an endless series of ever more intimate questions in a very matter of fact, monotone voice for the teens.  Did I say UGH?!
Second, so much has changed in the decades since I was 15.  An evening spent watching teeny bopper shows
with her has made this painfully apparent.   I am not even sure I KNOW the difference nowadays.  The boundaries are so blurred and she is so concrete in her thinking…One wrong answer could influence her behavior and therefore her interactions for a very long time.
So, I did what I thought would interest her and I told her to google it and tell me what she found out.  The answer was both enlightening and ever so scary…stay tuned 🙂